Running for Office

Under our current, hyper partisan system of power politics, if you run for a mainstream political party, here is likely what will happen to you if you win your seat:

  • You will be elected as part of the official opposition and find yourself whipped by the leader of your party and the strategists that have her or his confidence.
  • Or you will be elected as part of the governing caucus as a back-bencher in which case you will find yourself whipped by the leader of your party and the strategists that have her or his confidence.
  • Or you will be selected for a cabinet post in which case you will be paid handsomely to do the government’s bidding and be sworn to secrecy

Now imagine a world where your job is inherently different, and considerably more challenging, where your job is to:

  • Actually read and comprehend the legislation
  • Make a genuine effort to listen to your constituents so you know how they feel about the issue before you
  • Consider the special inside information that is available to you as a legislator
  • Tap the collective wisdom of your party
  • Consider your own conscience and experience

Then cast your vote independently and be prepared to defend your decision to your constituents and to the public.

That’s a lot of hard work and a massive responsibility.

That’s representative democracy.

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